Last Updated on September 26, 2023 by Sarah Leeves

We all know that, as group fitness instructors, we’re not just in the studio to get folks moving. Nope, our to-do list stretches way past that!

Scheduling those fun-filled classes, keeping tabs on who’s showing up, and making sure our equipment is safe and ready to go – these are all part and parcel of our day-to-day lives. And let’s not forget about managing bookings, cancellations, and even playing the role of a cashier.

And to top it off, we throw on the marketing hat to keep our social media buzzing and newsletters rolling out. Juggling all these roles while keeping our main gig—inspiring and leading our classes—can be quite the balancing act. But hey, that’s what makes our job as group fitness instructors so diverse and exciting!

To help with marketing your classes, we’ve rounded up three great resources available to you in our free support library:

Discover the secrets of Facebook marketing with Jessica Holguin

If you haven’t heard of Jessica Holguin, get on Facebook immediately and join her group, The Stage.

Jessica is a Zumba instructor turned Facebook guru who has one clear objective: helping group fitness instructors pack out their classes using Facebook. Her tried and tested methods have been used by instructors across the globe to boost their numbers and keep clients coming back for more!

Last year, we teamed up with Jessica to deliver a webinar on how instructors like you can utilise Facebook (not paid ads!) as an effective marketing tool without fuss. Her webinar covers:

  • Discover what to post, where to post, and how often to post to maximise your fitness marketing efforts.
  • Find out the 5-second audition that most instructors fail and how to fix it to instantly attract more students.
  • Learn how to use Facebook groups to build a sense of community and increase class attendance.

Boost your business with Jessica in the webinars section of our support library.

Already a member? Login here.

Defining and reaching your ideal client

The truth is your classes aren’t for everyone – and that’s OK! Because knowing the types of people who do like your classes will save you valuable time and resources in the future.

As a fitness instructor and sports lecturer, Lincoln has helped fitness professionals across the industry develop and promote their businesses. His tried and tested methods are easy to digest with clear actions for instructors to complete.

In Lincoln’s video, you learn:

  • Why identifying your ideal client is integral to class numbers growth and marketing efforts.
  • Why you may have different ideal clients for different classes and how you can manage these in your promotion.
  • What information you need to understand your ideal client and how to get it.

Ready to stop wasting money on marketing to the wrong people? Watch Lincoln’s video in the webinars section of our support library.

Already a member? Login here.

Showcasing your talents and classes on video

You may be confident in front of a class, but how confident are you in front of a camera?

Whether you want to showcase your group fitness classes or show off the best of your talents, video is a great way to do it. And no, you don’t need loads of fancy equipment! Your smartphone and the right lighting will work perfectly.

Looking to boost your class awareness through video? Use Richard’s tips to get the most out of filming your classes.

Looking to go online? If you want to give yourself the best chance to grow your career as an on-demand instructor representing the brands that you love, then this video and worksheet from Richard Playfair is your opportunity to learn how to make a showreel and how they can help you land work that finally pays you what you deserve.

Watch Richard’s video in the webinars section of our support library and don’t forget to download the checklist too!

Already a member? Login here.

Over to you!

There are so many resources available to you in our EMD UK support library. And they could be yours in just a few clicks!

Sign up here today!