Take charge of your own CPD journey

Take charge of your career as a group exercise instructor with EMD UK’s new, instructor-led CPD strategy.

Designed with your needs in mind, this flexible and meaningful approach to professional development empowers you to stay ahead of the curve and deliver the best possible experiences for your clients. 

  • Flexibility and ownership

    Choose formal and informal learning opportunities that align with your interests and career goals.

  • Meaningful growth

    Develop the skills and knowledge that matter most to you, whether it’s shadowing a colleague, researching new trends, or taking accredited courses. 

  • Easy tracking

    Log your CPD hours effortlessly in our user-friendly online portal.

  • Stay current and competitive

    Ensure your expertise is up-to-date with the latest research and industry developments. 

  • Meet registration requirements

    Stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for upcoming industry standards. 

CPD that works for the sector

For Instructors

Enhance Your Skills

Deepen your knowledge, expand your class offerings, and become a more sought-after instructor.

Boost Your Confidence

Stay up-to-date with the latest fitness trends and techniques, giving you the confidence to lead inspiring classes.

Network and Connect

Learn from other experts in the field and share your own experiences with a supportive community.

For Employers

Invest in Your Team

Empower your instructors to develop their skills and stay at the forefront of the industry. 

Attract and Retain Talent

Offer a valuable benefit that helps you recruit and keep top-performing instructors. 

Improve Client Satisfaction

Well-trained instructors deliver better classes, leading to happier clients and a stronger reputation for your facility. 

Join the CPD movement today

Get your copy of the new EMD UK CPD strategy and understand how this movement works for instructors, employers, and the sector. Download your copy today.

Your Feedback is Valuable

EMD UK are going out for consultation in August to gather feedback from the sector on our CPD strategy. Your insights are essential in shaping the future of professional development for group exercise instructors in the UK. 

CPD strategy feedback

Please be specific with your feedback, referencing back to the contents outlined in the CPD strategy document.
Are you interested in attending a focus group regarding this CPD strategy in September 2024?(Required)