Last Updated on April 28, 2022 by Sarah Leeves

We’re celebrating International Dance Day 2022

Dance workouts are rising in popularity – they’re fun, they’re good for your fitness, your mental health and your confidence!

For the third year running, dance and rhythm-related group exercise classes have proved the most popular form of exercise.  One third of all classes booked through the Gymcatch app in 2021 were dance and rhythm related.  During the pandemic the category saw a 10% increase and accounted for 30% of all classes in 2021 as participants looked for that feelgood factor.

Research even suggests that we are born to dance!  But enough of the science, let’s hear from some of our dance fitness instructors and participants –

Emma Louise Adams – It doesn’t feel like “working out” dance fitness allows people to just let go and get into their happy place with me and most importantly have FUN. There are no wrong moves in my classes . . . just impromptu solos.  Maureen Manby agrees ‘There are plenty of those in my class too! After teaching for 42 years, I still never tire of it’.

‘Dance fitness gives you the chance to lose yourself, laugh, embrace music, forget, enjoy and have fun!!! Fitness is hard and a slog at times but never when you’re dancing and laughing with like-minded people and part of a fab community’ (Lou Smith)

The choice of music is important too.  Joanne Stanier says ‘Bringing back music and memories from all different eras. Losing yourself in the music as if you were on stage in a show in your head. Not realising you’re exercising at all, feeling great, fit and happy with no boundaries of age, sex, size or backgrounds.’

It’s not only the music but the social side of dance fitness classes too.  Rachel Evans tells us ‘I teach mostly Zumba Gold nowadays.  My older participants literally come alive with nostalgic tracks and it brings them back to a moment in life where they were young, it makes them feel young again.’

Emma Case Boakes adds My classes are like a social club, dance is a topic of conversation . . . What songs are we going to dance to tonight, I loved that new track last week etc. You can’t have the same sort of conversation about many other types of class.’

Dance fitness really is for all.  Bally Bhogal says ‘We deliver Bhangra fitness classes and our users love it!  Bhangra is an Indian dance, however we attract all communities, ages and multi-ability individuals. We’re lucky, our Bhangra music contributes massively to uplifting our attendees, helping them to let go of any negative thoughts and stresses of the day.’

Katherine Henry agrees ‘It’s inclusive for all bodies, all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities. Dance fitness allows people to move joyfully, in whatever way they like. There is no wrong or right . . . just freedom and exercise which feels more like a party vibe with your mates than an hour of intensive workouts. Dancing releases all the endorphins you need to rid yourself of all your stress and worry and instead allows you to live free and be present doing something that is not only good for you but is blinkin’ good fun at the same time.’

Dance fitness keeps your brain as well as your body fit.  Ann Alston tells us – ‘Dance Fitness is great and the music makes the participants smile and my people love it!! They are working their bodies and keeping their minds active learning the dance routines – so important for our mental health dancing together with a group and having fun.’

Happy International Dance Day 2022.  We’re so proud of all group exercise instructors, whatever you teach.

To see some of our dance fitness instructors in action, why not shimmy over to our Instagram account