Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Sarah Leeves

As a group exercise instructor, you understand the importance of promoting your classes.

After all, it’s not enough to just offer great classes—you need to be able to get people in the door. With that in mind, here are four strategies for marketing your group exercise classes and boosting attendance.

A selection of social media icons

Spread the Word on Social Media

Social media is an invaluable tool for marketing your group exercise classes.

Posting on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can help you reach new potential students and keep existing students informed about upcoming classes and schedule changes.

To maximise engagement, post interesting content that will intrigue your followers and encourage them to sign up for your classes. You can also use social media to advertise special events or promotions related to your fitness business.

Find out what to post on Instagram here.

Create an Email Newsletter

Email newsletters are a great way to connect with potential students as well as existing customers.

In addition to providing information about upcoming class schedules, you can also share:

  • Helpful tips related to health and wellness
  • Stories about past class participants who have seen amazing results from taking your courses
  • New class launches.
  • Social events to get all your class members together.

You can even offer exclusive discounts through email newsletters to incentivise people to take action right away!

Join Local Networks and Organisations

Joining local networks and organisations related to health and wellness is a great way to market your group exercise classes without spending money on traditional forms of advertising such as radio spots or billboards.

Not only will this give you access to an entirely new pool of potential customers, but it will also help you build relationships with other professionals in the industry who may be able to refer their own clients or contacts over time.

You could also network with local business and offices who may be looking to get their workforce more active.

Additionally, many local organisations host events where you can promote your services directly by setting up a booth or handing out flyers at sponsored activities like 5K races or charity walks/runs.

Leverage Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Word-of-mouth advertising is perhaps one of the most effective forms of marketing available today. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t leverage it when it comes to promoting your group exercise classes!

When you deliver a high-quality group exercise class every single time you #StandAtTheFront, people will want to tell others about it!

Encourage happy customers to spread the word! Asking them if they could refer any friends or family members who might also be interested in your classes.

You can even hand out referral cards at each session so that students can easily pass on contact information for future reference! Design referral cards (and more!) on Canva – read our blog here!

Start promoting today

Promoting group exercise classes doesn’t have to be difficult—especially when you know which strategies work best!

By capitalising on the power of word-of-mouth advertising and leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can reach more potential customers than ever before.

You’ll also building relationships with other industry professionals who may be able to refer their own clients over time. With these four strategies at your disposal, marketing your fitness business has never been easier!

Learn more about promoting your group exercise classes in our short video here.