Originating in Germany, Medau Movement takes the teachings of Hinrich Medau as its base. Using a variety of handheld apparatus and the body’s natural fluidity, you’ll help participants explore and challenge their body’s abilities and improve balance, flexibility and strength.

Price £545

Call us on 01403 266000, Email training@emduk.org or WhatsApp on 07715081640 to start your career as a Level 3 Medau teacher.

What is Medau?

Originating in Germany, Medau Movement takes the teachings of Hinrich Medau as its base. Using a variety of handheld apparatus and the body’s natural fluidity, you’ll help participants explore and challenge their body’s abilities and improve balance, flexibility and strength. Find out more here.

Qualification structure

  • All of our training courses are flexible and adapt around your busy lifestyle.
  • Study at home and at your own pace with approx. four week’s online learning
  • Complete four practical course days with a professional trainer at one of our training venues
  • You’ll be assessed via worksheets completed throughout the course, two multiple choice theory papers and a practical assessment
  • Complete one day Burlexercise training
  • You will need to complete/attend 100% of the course to pass

Career opportunities

As a Medau Movement teacher with a Level 3 qualification, your classes will be an exciting mix of aerobics and apparatus work. With ribbons, hoops, balls, clubs and materials in your repertoire, class attendees will have a hard job getting bored, giving you a good base for customer loyalty. Your knowledge and expertise open these classes up to many audiences and are an exciting introduction to exercise for inactive people. The discipline also lends itself to mobility work with older adults and self-esteem with those whose confidence is low.

Our support doesn’t stop after you qualify! We ensure our graduates get the best possible start to their new career by including a year’s free affiliation in their training fees (for students who accept the Training Bursary). This includes; insurance, job opportunities, great discounts on instructor essentials like PPL, practical and business resources.