Last Updated on April 1, 2022 by Antoinette Mills

It may feel far away but January is just around the corner. In a weeks’ time, people across the country will be searching for ways to get active as they commit to get fit.

As thousands turn to group exercise, the question is how easily can people find details about your classes?

Listing your classes may seem simple but it’s an area often overlooked by instructors.

“I’ve got my timetable on my social media, do I need it anywhere else?”

So, where can you list your classes?

The homepage of classfinder


classfinder is the UK’s largest database of group exercise classes. It is used by thousands of instructors as a free promotional tool for their classes and it’s also utilised by national physical activity campaigns like This Girl Can. In fact, the classfinder site gets over 3 million page views per year.

classfinder is powered by open data, meaning your classes are seen in more places by more people. But how does it work?

Think of classfinder like a sieve.

When you pour one stream of water into a sieve, the water comes out of lots of different holes.

When you list your classes once on classfinder, they can be found in many different places just from your one listing. This means people in your local area don’t even need to visit classfinder to see your classes. They might see you on:

  • Active Partnership websites
  • Local council websites
  • Get Outside
  • And more

List your classes for free here.

‘What’s On’ websites

Most local areas will have a ‘what’s on’ website or similar. Not just for theatre and events listings, these sites can be utilised for listing your classes – especially useful in January.

Although some may offer premium listings (have your credit card ready), free listings will also be an option.

Why list on here?

When it comes to beginners searching for exercise, many people won’t know what class they want to do. They may not be familiar with Clubbercise or know the difference between Pilates and yoga.

Listing your classes on more general websites opens you up to being found by those unsure about what they might like or need.

Find your local what’s on website by typing ‘What’s on near me’ into your preferred search engine.


Keep your listing short and sweet.

Get to the point quickly and without fitness jargon. For example, many people won’t understand the terms HIIT, AMRAP, etc, so describe the class in simple, easy-to-follow terms.

Always include:

  • Date and time of class
  • Venue
  • Cost
  • Your details (name and contact)
  • Instructions on booking

Local businesses

OK, so not a listings site but a great way to get your name and brand out to the local community.

By talking and connecting with local businesses, you’re opening up promotional avenues which could include:

  • Flyers in their kitchen/break area
  • Poster on staff notice boards
  • A section in a staff newsletter

Building these relationships now could pay big in January, especially if you have flyers and posters to provide to these businesses.


Make the business feel special by giving their employees a small discount on your class or giving a session away for free. A gesture like this builds rapport with the business and may pave the way for you to provide them with a regular, bespoke class.

Looking for more ways to get prepared?

Download our free instructor resource to get yourself prepared ahead of the trend so you have more time to relax over Christmas. Our handy guide will pick the areas you need to focus on and provide actionable tips to keep your instructor life simple.

Download for free here.

EMD UK exclusive offer

Our friend Lincoln Bryden has written a book just for group exercise instructors like you: PRIME – The Simple 5 Step System To Help Group Exercise Instructors Launch Their Own Programmes And Impact More People.

If you’re looking to boost your business going into 2022, this is for you! Get 50% off this book until the end of December 2021.

Use code EMD50 for your exclusive discount.

Buy your copy here.