Last Updated on February 2, 2023 by Penny Sanders

Before we start, let’s get one thing clear – you need to think of your classes as a product.

They’re not just great exercise. They don’t just get people active. They are your product.

So, let’s think about one of the key things you (and most people!) do when buying products – you read reviews.

Let’s look at two important facts:

  1. According to Bright Local more consumers are reading online reviews than ever before. In 2021, 77% ‘always’ or ‘regularly’ read them when browsing for local businesses (up from 60% in 2020).
  2. EMD UK research found that over one third of group exercise participants found out about classes through word of mouth.

So when it comes to testimonials from your current class participants, you have the opportunity to create a powerful marketing tool.

Why use testimonials?

Think of testimonials as a review of your product.

They build trust in you and your classes;  an endorsement from ‘someone like you.’ They’ve tried and tested your classes, enjoyed them, found them beneficial or found they helped to solve a problem.

And now you need those people to give you a glowing testimonial – a five-star review, a seal of approval. If you’ve done the hard work of being a superstar instructor, then the next bit should be easy.

How to get testimonials

Once you start meeting and exceeding your participants’ expectations, you can start asking them to help you — by providing testimonials.

If you’re often engaging with people who love your brand, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to ask them for a review.

Creating Five Star Testimonials

Customer testimonials are excellent opportunities for showing that you understand your customer needs –

  • Choose customers’ stories that highlight how you helped them to succeed and achieve their goals.
  • Try to select stories that represent your target audience(s) as people who have similar goals or problems will feel that you or your business can help them too.

Top tip: not sure who your target audience is? Let Lincoln Bryden help in this video here.

  • Use testimonials to illustrate what you or your business is doing right with customer success stories (they can also tell you what you shouldn’t change)
  • Make sure the testimonials aren’t too vague. Focus on tangible impacts you have made by asking customers specific questions to get the specific answers you want.
  • Consider face to face testimonials – if you’re attending trade shows, conferences, and events, you may have a happy customer willing to tell the story of their success, particularly if it’s a former trainee keen to promote their new classes.

Take a look at This Girl Can at NoireFitFest.

Create a Library

It’s a good idea to create both video content and written testimonials and have them ready to dip into according to the platform you have chosen or the audience you are targeting.

How to use customer testimonials

While there are countless ways to leverage customer testimonials in your marketing plan, we’ve found six ways that will have you winning over potential customers in no time.  (with Thanks to Qualtrics for the inspiration.

  1. Put testimonials on your homepage

Your homepage may create the first impression.  When someone lands on your website from a search engine, you want them to go further.  Testimonials can help to grab their attention and create positive interest in your brand, in other words, you are letting the world know that your brand is successful.

Take a look at this eye catching testimonial from Boxercise.

  1. Create a customer testimonial page

While a few customer testimonials on your homepage is a good way to spark interest, some people might want to learn a little bit more about what it is exactly that customers love about your product or service.

A dedicated page on your website such as this one from Fit4Tap or Inclusfit allows potential customers to find the testimonials that particularly resonate with them.

  1. Share them on social media

When it comes to using customer testimonials on social media, don’t be shy!

There are many ways to use them and as testimonials are generally short quotes, they are ideal for sharing on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Similarly, when you receive positive feedback from your customers directly on your social media platforms, retweet them, feature them on your Instagram and Facebook stories, or create a longer post highlighting them on LinkedIn. The more places potential customers can see the results of your work the better.

Take a look at this Musical Theatre Fitness post on Instagram

The best part about this particular strategy? It’s free and easy to do! It doesn’t take a lot of additional planning or development so it’s a great way to jumpstart using testimonials in your marketing efforts right away.

  1. Use them in case studies

Case studies are more detailed accounts of how a business helped a customer and may include testimonials and other information on the transformation that the customer underwent on their journey.

Case studies are great for potential customers or participants who are nearing the end of their buying journey as they give a more in-depth look and more reassurance on the benefits and effects of your product or service.

Take inspiration from these success stories from  Clubbercise

  1. Use testimonials in ‘top-of-funnel’ content

While testimonials can help potential customers make the final decision, a brilliant review from a customer might entice someone to check out the product or even consider actually trying it because of the testimonial.

Using testimonials in blogs or shareable video content enables you to reach potential customers early on and it sparks interest – sometimes enough to convince them to try your product.

Have a look at this great testimonial on BBX Fitness from Lucy and Rob

If you have any video testimonials they also make great content for your social media channels.

Take a look at this great video testimonial from BeLifted.

Want to learn more top tips to boost your fitness business?  Subscribe here to our EMD UK YouTube channel to get expert advice and top tips from across the industry.