The facts

  • Well-established brand with 1,000+ instructors
  • Offer multiple workouts, all featuring Clubbercise trademark LED glow sticks
  • Fun, engaging and easy-to-learn routines
  • Full marketing support to grow your classes

Who are Clubbercise?

Born in 2013, Clubbercise has grown from a single class to become one of the biggest concepts to hit the UK fitness industry!

There are roughly 100,000 people taking regular classes with 1,000+ instructors.

Set to club anthems from 90s classics to the latest chart hits, Clubbercise classes are held in a darkened room with party lights and their trademark LED glow sticks. Routines are easy-to-follow with high and low impact options for all fitness levels.

Why choose Clubbercise?

Their friendly team will support you from day one to help launch and grow your Clubbercise classes.

They offer multiple concepts for your timetable for one affordable licence fee:

  • Clubbercise – the original dance-based workout
  • Clubbercise Combat+Tone – less dance and more punching, kicking, squatting and lunging
  • Plus Family, U13 and U18 Clubbercise classes for young people