Last Updated on March 27, 2019 by Sarah Leeves

Anna Martin from Always Moving Forward has some tips for instructors who are launching their new classes.

Women doing a combat based group exercise class

So you’re about to launch a new class. Sometimes when something is branded it’s well known which is one of the reasons why we pay for the license fee. We plan our class launch, the public already know what it is so they are Googling it, and it’s full within 0.5 seconds. Great. But sometimes we’re launching something that either doesn’t have the brand power yet OR is freestyle and doesn’t really have a brand at all!

If you’re in the latter position, consider these five simple things:

Build your own brand

Your group exercise classes are your business. Consider who are you serving? What are you trying to communicate to people? Having your own business as a strong brand will increase the know, like and trust factor, which means people will be more willing to try new timetable additions.

Educate your classes

You can’t start up a new class and expect your audience to know why they should do it. Provide information. Do it more than once whilst avoid being repetitive so that they understand the benefits of the session, not just the branding.

Practice what your preach

Launching a boxing class but can’t throw a punch? An abs blast but you can’t hold a plank for longer than 2.22 seconds? Then it’s going to make it all the more difficult to promote. Leading by example is one of the best ways to promote your chosen session, and it also means you’ve got a load more content to put up on the old socials.

Be relentless in your passion

Classes that are successful are normally because the instructor would rather pull off their own finger nails than miss out on teaching it. They promote it, they talk to people about it, they truly love it. People can feel that energy and they want to be a part of it.

Get your social on

And no, it’s not good enough to write a generic status with the time and date on once a week and expect people to come. Post, boost and advertise in your own groups, in community groups, on your page, and in your story. Where’s your email list? Did you just send out one dry email and expect people to book? Think about it! If you were them, what would make you attend?

You LOVE this class format otherwise you wouldn’t be launching it. You need to be prepared to sell it, and the best way is by being yourself, being enthusiastic and being relentless!

This is a guest blog from Always Moving Forward. Guest blogs are written by our member organisations, suppliers and special guests and are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of EMD UK.