Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Cristian Fry

You live and breathe fitness. Your playlist is fire, your moves are on point, and your classes are packed. That kind of dedication is inspiring, but it’s also demanding.

Even the most dedicated instructors need to recharge. It’s not just about fitting in another workout or grabbing an extra hour of sleep (although those are a great place to start!).

Let’s talk about self-care that truly nourishes your body and mind – ensuring you can bring your best self to each and every class you teach.

Key Takeaways

  • Put Boundaries in Place: Set specific times to answer client inquiries to ensure personal time and rest.
  • Schedule ‘Me’ Time: Regularly engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation to prevent burnout.
  • Connect with Other Instructors: Build a support network to reduce isolation both in and out of the studio.
  • Plan Your Week Out: Allocate time for meal prep and admin tasks to reduce stress and improve organization.
  • Engage in Continuing Education: Stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the fitness industry to enhance your skills and maintain motivation.
Man meditating outdoors

5 Self Care Tips All Group Exercise Instructors Need to Know

1. Put Boundaries in Place

Picture this: It’s 10:00 PM, and you’re scrolling through Facebook when a message pops up from a class member. Are you tempted to reply immediately?


As a self-employed instructor, it can feel hard to switch off. You want to support your participants, but you can’t be there for them 24/7.

Set specific times for yourself when you can answer inquiries. Think about it—would you expect a reply to an email at 10:00 PM from a traditional business? Probably not.

Establishing boundaries is crucial for your mental health [1]. Let your clients know your available hours and stick to them. Put your phone down, get some rest, and recharge for the next day.

Following this process helps you disconnect, but also teaches your clients to respect your time.

Eventually, they’ll adjust to your boundaries, reducing late-night messages and giving you the peace you deserve.

2. Schedule in Some ‘Me’ Time

Scheduling “me” time throughout the week is super important for your mental health.

The demands of being a group fitness instructor can easily take over. The good news is that taking time out for yourself can help reset your mind and recharge your batteries.

Doing something just for you—like going for a walk, meeting up with friends, attending a class as a participant, or just watching your favourite film—can make a huge difference.

Neglecting your own well-being can drain your energy and passion. Remember, you can’t inspire others if you’re running on empty.

Prioritise self-care to recharge your batteries – it’s the secret to bringing your most vibrant, enthusiastic self to every class.

3. Connect with Other Instructors

As a group fitness instructor, working alone outside of teaching classes can often feel quite isolating.

On that note, it’s important to connect with others in the fitness industry who understand the unique challenges of your job.

Consider joining an online community of fitness professionals, attending workshops or conferences, or simply reaching out to fellow instructors for a chat.

EMD UK PRO members have access to a closed Facebook group where they can network, chat, and share tips with instructors across the UK.

Having a support system from other instructors can be incredibly valuable. It reduces feelings of isolation and provides a sense of camaraderie.

Sharing experiences and advice can help you navigate the ups and downs of working in fitness more effectively.

4. Plan Your Week Out

You obviously know which classes you’re teaching every week. But do you know when you’re doing your admin? What you’re eating after your last class? Planning in time for meal prep and class admin can save you stress throughout the week.

After a long day of teaching, the last thing you want to do is think about what to cook or make poor nutrition decisions. Preparing your food in advance is one less decision to make. Plus, it’s good to have something to look forward to!

Scheduling admin time is also a good idea. It can be easy to fall into the habit of squeezing admin tasks in between classes. But without structure, things can slip through the net easily.

Even 30 minutes twice a week can make a big difference. You’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment. So get that time scheduled in.

5. Engage in Continuing Education

The fitness industry is constantly evolving. New trends, techniques, and research emerge regularly.

To stay ahead and keep your classes fresh, engage in continuing education. You’ll not only enhance your skills but also boost your confidence as a fitness instructor.

Participating in workshops, certifications, and courses can be incredibly rewarding.

It provides an opportunity to learn new methods, connect with other fitness professionals, and bring innovative ideas to your classes that you may not have thought of.

Continuing education is not just about professional growth; it’s about personal development too. It keeps you motivated and passionate about your work, ensuring that you’re always at your best for your clients.

Self-Care Tips for Group Fitness Instructors: A Summary

Being a group exercise instructor is incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Luckily, these self-care tips are designed to help you bring your best self to every one of your group workout sessions.

By prioritising your own needs, you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll also become an even more effective and inspiring instructor. It’s a win-win!

Want to learn more? Discover our practical mental health tips guide along with 250+ other career-focused resources with our FREE EMD UK membership!