Last Updated on October 24, 2022 by Penny Sanders

How to choose a CPD that suits you and your body

Lucy, one of our account managers here at EMD UK wanted to share her experiences over the last few months with exercise and movement. She starts the journey with a quick recap of how she got here.

“Since forever I have trained as a dancer and my forté was Ballet, an intense discipline that felt hard but comfortable and natural.  When I was at full time dance school and girls were learning the Christina Aguilera ‘Dirty’ dance routine from the music video, I remember thinking that I wouldn’t look right or cool enough to dance in that fast, sharp, commercial way. Telling myself this, I did go on to excel in Ballet or contemporary dance. In 2012 I stepped into the fitness industry with a random booking on a Zumba course – having packed out classes for months, there were queues out the door, I quickly realised people wanted to dance and exercise.

This sparked my ambition and led to my Level 2 and Level 3 Qualifications and I have gone on to teach many high intensity, high energy dance fitness classes, which, oh goodness, is one of THE best endorphin highs ever! It was 2016 that brought me back to the ballet barre, when I trained in Barre.

Barre is low impact, however, don´t underestimate the high intensity, I also have my music blaring and it’s a party at my barre, no alcohol required! Without a doubt, a favourite class to teach, and participate in. Barre tones muscles you never even knew were there, you sweat and you find magic in all your movements – it’s intense, it’s high energy, it is worth it. Head to a barre class to find out for yourself. My journey here has, only now, in 2022, just started . . . how cliché, but hear me out . . .

Over the last few months, I have been training as a Pilates instructor which has concentrated my mind on my body, and not just focussing on the muscles, the music, the pulses, the burn.  With Pilates training I feel aligned with how my body has always wanted to move.  By concentrating on the movement flow itself, the way my body moves is slow, disciplined, intricate, thought provoked, gentle and with purpose.  From Ballet to Pilates, it sits right, I want a slower pace of life and to teach a slower movement session. Barre will always be my soul, and by adding Pilates to my skillset my clients can experience the magic and life of the party within Barre and now the elongated slower pace of Pilates.

Top Tip for Group Exercise Instructors?

If you are looking to expand your repertoire, take the time to really reflect on how you got to where you are, where you feel alive, what ignites your passion. Focus your energy on your niche and how you want to move! We have a culture now that tells us to step outside our comfort zones, to push ourselves to limits, to hussle, to constantly learn and have a positive attitude ALL. THE. TIME . . .  anyone tired?  Instead, take the pressure off, just sit still, reflect, find what your body needs, align, and do what you do best.

I want instructors to inspire, energise and motivate participants, but how do you do this if your classes don’t mirror how you want to move and teach? Select a brand style that your body already selected for you years ago!   Take a look at our member organisations for inspiration – you could then investigate the training options in a new discipline either as a qualification or a CPD.“