Last Updated on February 21, 2020 by Penny Sanders

Guest Blog:  Lisa’s story

I left my full-time job as an account manager six years ago to bring my four children up. A few months after I left my job I attended a fitness class and realised how I wanted to change my lifestyle.

I hadn’t weighed myself for a very long time so eventually after plucking up the courage I couldn’t believe it when it said I was 26 stone 5lb and was in size 30/32 clothes, I was very shy and mentally I wasn’t in a good place, I knew I had to do something about it.

I contacted Stacey Cartledge, a local fitness instructor, and asked her for some help. She was amazing to me and gave me some fantastic advice.

I changed my eating habits and completely re-educated myself about foods. I became really close friends with Stacey and would attend every class she would instruct and loved every second.

I used to set myself small goals however after a while my weight loss slowed down.

Then Stacey did the Clubbercise instructor course. I absolutely loved her first class. I loved everything about it; the music the glow sticks and the fact it was in the dark. It turned me into a different person… when those lights went off I felt so confident.

Before I started Clubbercise I was a size 22, I now wear size 10/12 and weigh 12 stone. I still love my food and never go without it, I just learned how we can have anything as long as it’s in moderation.

I’m a completely different person now. I can socialise much better and not only has it physically and mentally changed me. Most importantly, it’s made me a better mum to my children!

I wanted to get back into work after having Seth, my youngest child, but wanted to do something that would benefit other people, something that could potentially change someone else’s life and have a lasting impact on them just like it did for myself.

So earlier this year I booked, attended and certified in Zumba and have now moved onto Clubbercise whilst also studying towards a level 3 personal trainer diploma.

If someone had said to me 5 years ago that I would be a size 10/12 clothes size and standing up at the front of a group exercise class with a room full of people watching me I never would have believed them. But here I am making it happen and in fact I’m now covering fitness classes for Stacey who introduced me dance fitness back in 2013, I’m loving every minute, eager to learn more and excited for what the future brings.

To find a Clubbercise class near you, why not use classfinder, the largest directory of group exercise classes in the UK?  To find out more about becoming an instructor like Lisa, all the information you meed can be found on the Clubbercise website.