Last Updated on July 28, 2022 by Penny Sanders

A statement from PRS for Music

PRS for Music are in the closing stages of development for a licensing solution for those providing fitness and dance instruction online. The design of the new licence has been informed by insights provided by over 500 responses from fitness and dance customers to our Call for Views survey, direct engagement with customers and members, and collaboration with EMD UK liaising on behalf of industry stakeholders. Principally, the design of the licence incorporates customer feedback about having easy to understand charges, a simple purchase journey and a licence that contains all the rights needed and grows with a customer’s business and music consumption.

Under our governance, proposed licence schemes are endorsed by PRS for Music’s Licensing Committee (comprised of publishers and writers). Once endorsed and in accordance with our voluntary Code of Conduct, PRS for Music publicly consults on the proposal before publishing a scheme. A lot of positive, constructive engagement with members and customers has been undertaken to date to shape the fitness licence proposal and we anticipate Licensing Committee endorsement in late September, a public consultation to follow in October and launch before the end of the year.

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