Last Updated on November 11, 2019 by Penny Sanders

Play Tone crowdfunds to develop the ultimate travelling disco van

Play Tone is an alternative playground for fitness and fun.  It gives adults permission to take a time-out with hula hooping, roller skating and jump rope classes and events, driven by the theory that ‘adding play to your day’ can improve your physical and mental well being.

Recently Play Tone launched a crowdfunder campaign to raise funds to buy, refurbish and kit out the ultimate disco travelling van so they can tour the nation and help the world unleash their inner child! Their vision for the new Play Tone van is to empower communities everywhere to come together, make friends, laugh, get and keep fit and play!

Play Tone aims to be on the road in summer 2020 with a pop-up playground, to coordinate workshops, events and roller-discos in order to reach deprived areas across the UK, working with all people over the age of five  who haven’t already experienced the joy of Play Tone.

For more information, you can read Play Tone’s press release here.  If you would like to contribute to Play Tone’s project, then do take a look at their crowdfunder campaign page.  As an added incentive, you may be eligible for a reward in return for your donation.