Last Updated on October 7, 2019 by Penny Sanders

Carol Marie, the founder and owner of Fitness Flow Pilates, held her first training day for new instructors recently.

EMD UK caught up with Carol to find out how the day went.

The day started off with Carol Marie introducing the Fitness Flow Pilates brand and her vision for her instructors, following with a masterclass and then lots of practicing with her candidates working in groups. The day ended with an assessment of which all passed with flying colours.  There was a mixture of experience among  the participants some were qualified Pilates instructors and others were not.  Being a Pilates Instructor is not a prerequisite for attending the course as although the concept uses Pilates Principles and exercises it is much more of a flowing class than a traditional Pilates class.  Attendees who were not already qualified to teach Pilates were required to complete an on-line Introduction to Pilates Principles test, as well as having attended regular Pilates classes for at least 6-12 weeks.  The candidates all went away with a glossy file of notes and exercise icons, along with their choreography and playlist. Once signed up for their licence, they were able to log into the instructor area on the Fitness Flow Pilates website – and find everything they needed to develop themselves as an FFP instructor.

The attendees had a variety of aims or reasons for attending the training course.  One, a professional dancer, already taught HIIT, spin and body pump, and was looking to add Fitness Flow Pilates to her skillset.  Another attendee was currently working in a managerial position in a gym and wished to make a career change, she was so enthusiastic about the brand that she wanted to become an ambassador and also run retreats and workshops.  A third attendee was a Yoga enthusiast in her 50s, who came to Fitness Flow Pilates classes and enjoyed them so much she decided to train as an instructor herself!

Carol Marie tells us Fitness Flow Pilates is a combination of core strengthening and body defining moves , sometimes using equipment and choreographed to music. “I have taken the traditional Pilates exercises, connected them, intensified them and made them flow together. Fitness Flow Pilates is safe on your joints, increases your stamina, core strength and muscle tone and gives you the feel-good factor. You won’t find a better work out!”

Trends in the fitness industry have seen a rise in holistic exercise with Pilates being the amongst the most popular group exercise class to attend[1].  Now could be a good time to tap into that demand by training to become a Fitness Flow Pilates instructor, along with the incentive of a Bursary from EMDUK of £100 back off the cost of your course.

Anyone wishing to become a Fitness Flow Pilates Instructor does need to hold a recognised Level 2 Qualification in in Group Training to Music (formerly ETM) or equivalent, or a Level 3 Pilates Qualification.  EMD UK offers a range of courses to start you on your Fitness Flow journey.

FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT www.fitnessflowpilates/become-an-instructor/

[1] EMD UK National Fitness Survey 2018