Last Updated on July 10, 2020 by Penny Sanders

Outdoor exercise classes of up to six people can now run

As of Monday, 1st June, the UK Government has said that groups of up to six people from different households can meet up to exercise. This means outdoor group exercise classes, such as boot camps, can now run. Key points are:

• Six people includes the class instructor
• Social distancing measure of at least 2m must be adhered to

This guidance applies to England only at this time.

The need for hygiene is important –

• Ensure you have access to an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
• We recommend not using any equipment for your classes. If you do use equipment, ensure this is cleaned before and immediately after the class. Clients must not share equipment.
• We advise you contact your clients prior to the class to ask them to maintain Government recommended standards regarding hand washing best practice and using alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

As a group exercise instructor, you will need to check with your insurer that you are covered before you conduct any classes. Anyone with EMD UK insurance is covered. You will also need to check for permission from either the Local Authority or landowner.

We recommend that any instructor taking outdoor classes downloads our EMD UK Group Ex Support Pack which includes new risk assessments for outdoor classes and provides clear best practice guidance. This pack has been signed off by Sport England and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Download your free Group Ex Support pack here –