Last Updated on May 26, 2020 by Jack Taylor

Government has clarified that 1-2-1 training can resume outdoors from 13 May in England

Following the update from Government yesterday, 11 May 2020, it has been clarified that 1-2-1 training can resume outdoors from Wednesday, 13 May in England. However, group exercise is still not permitted, indoors or outdoors. It can only be delivered online. Group exercise instructors who are considering 1-2-1 training should follow the guidelines below. It is our view that if you can deliver the session digitally, so negating the need for contact, you should still do so.

  • You can only deliver to one person outside of your own household, with no time limit.
  • You need to have the correct qualifications to deliver PT training.
  • Check your insurance will still cover you. If you have PT PRO insurance through EMD UK, you are covered.
  • Check with your local authority/land owner you have permission to deliver the session in the open space. Each venue, including council-owned sports facilities, will make their own decisions about when their facilities are ready. The Government will be publishing high-level guidance for venues to help them think about preparations shortly.
  • Outdoor gyms, playgrounds, or outdoor swimming pools will remain closed.
  • If you do decide to restart delivering outdoors, social distancing must remain in force with a minimum distance of 2m. Be aware of other people in the open space too and not just your client.
  • If you use equipment you should enforce strong hygiene measures. This includes cleaning it rigorously in line with wider guidance on hygiene, for example by using antibacterial spray and washing hands thoroughly before and after use.

THIS IS ONLY APPLICABLE IN ENGLAND – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have not relaxed their rules to allow this.

These measures may come with some risk; it is important that everyone continues to act responsibly, as the large majority have done to date. The infection rate will increase if people begin to break these rules and, for example, mix in groups in parks, which will trigger the need for further restrictions.