Three steps to create more time and money in your dance fitness business

New Year, New You!  This could be a good time to think about how to create more time and money in your fitness business.

Katy Robinson, Founder and Director of Katy Robinson Fitness Fusion Ltd and creator of ‘On Broadway’® Dance Fitness admits she used to feel overwhelmed by the amount of time that went into teaching, choreographing, preparation and admin.

Katy tells us that you don’t have to say yes and teach everything to everybody to be successful as a dance fitness instructor/business owner.  She has some valuable advice on how you could streamline your business by being ‘picky’ about who you teach, starting with –

  • Know your ideal client
  • How to attract them to your classes
  • Find out where they hang out

As a successful business owner Katy is keen to give you the knowledge and experience she wishes she could have found when she was growing her business.

You can read her blog here

Thank you Katy for sharing this with us.