Last Updated on August 14, 2020 by Penny Sanders

Pose Barre is the latest member organisation to feature in the Lucozade Sport initiative

What an absolute pleasure to be asked to write a bit about my experience with the Lucozade Sport Keep us Moving initiative and how the process went for me! For those of you who are reading about this for the first time, the Keep Us Moving campaign has been a wonderful opportunity for fitness and wellness instructors to be seen on such a huge and well-respected platform. As the Director of Pose Barre through Pose Fitness Limited, this was something that would be wonderful for our progress.

When I first saw EMD UK’s email telling us how to take part, I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but this year I had vowed to take any opportunity which came my way and was affordable. I decided a 10-15 minute video application was definitely affordable so I saw no reason not to go for it.  Under the current circumstances, our little programme needed all the help it could get with both finances and reach so I was game.

Now I am sure I am not alone when I say that I am NOT technically minded, and when lockdown hit I went into panic mode. Days of research and phone calls to people who I am certain began to avoid my calls finally got me part way to a decent video and sound set up.  I am glad I took these steps for my business,

The absolute beauty of this whole application was that Lucozade Sport needed a video that was recorded on a smartphone. Being me, I wanted to try and show off all my fancy new gear and (limited) new tech skills. They were having none of it, in fact, I had to re-record my video, after I was accepted, with less equipment!

Let’s head back to when I put what ended up being a 13 minute, video forward. The first thing I read was ‘no music’!  But the great thing about not liking something or being uncomfortable with it is that you push yourself out of your comfort zone.  Thanks to this video I now regularly work online without music for people who want to pick their own or work without it. Online is all about reaching out and helping as many people as possible, so keep it simple guys!

Once the video was loaded and swept off to Lucozade Sport, I thought no more of it. I began to adapt and grow my Instagram account, I even changed my name on it. Then came an email . . . Hi it’s Tom from the Keep Us Moving initiative. Have you changed your IG handle?

Woops, I thought my chance had been totally missed. Turns out the guys there are super cool, really helpful and ready to support the campaign entirely.  What really became clear to me was the fact that as many as 30,000 people would be seeing our Pose Barre programme. Our ethos is to get as many people hitting the Barre as possible because we believe that Barre is for everyone.   The joy and support we have seen in the run up to our release has been wonderful and we are so excited to see what other opportunities might come our way.

I would say, don’t miss out on trying for something.  I thought that nothing would come of this, then it happened so quickly that I barely realised it was happening until we were there. We had been so busy with our online classes and then re-starting our studio classes and have seen lots of excitement to start Pose Barre classes in more places!  Teacher training is now our passion and we are so excited to get our teachers ready to be working with the programme that has become popular with our members.

Don’t miss our video or catch up after on the main Lucozade Sport Instagram feed!

Our thanks to Sarah Partington, Director and Head Trainer, Pose Barre, for sending us this guest blog on her experiences.