Last Updated on July 10, 2020 by Penny Sanders

Marcus Kingwell speaks on how the fitness sector has been affected by COVID-19

EMD UK  recently secured an opportunity to present to the Welsh Parliament (Senedd) Select Committee alongside Jonathan Ford, CEO, Football Association of Wales and Gareth Davies, Chairman, Welsh Rugby Union

Brett Pearson, our Head of Sales and Marketing said ‘This a huge step for EMD UK as we will be alongside WRU (Rugby) and FAW (Football), so it is fantastic to see them valuing group exercise so highly.’

Our CEO, Marcus Kingwell, gave an overview to the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee of how the fitness sector has been affected by COVID-19, along with suggestions on going forward.

The debate was shown live on Senedd TV, or via their Twitter feed @SeneddCWLC.  You can watch the COVID-19: Evidence session on the impact of Covid-19 on Sport, Panel Two here.

After the session Marcus said he was pleased to get the key messages across – namely that our clear communications through social media and digital channels have been well received, not only by our instructors but the wider fitness community too.  Marcus expressed concern that the provision of group exercise had been ‘turned off overnight’, and EMD UK had been supporting instructors to deliver their classes online and also to access funding support where possible.  Marcus highlighted that unless fitness and group exercise is able to resume, it would have a huge social and community impact in the future, with health implications costing the UK billions of pounds a year. In conclusion Marcus said that collaboration and shared learnings between other national governing bodies and between the home nations would be key to encouraging future participation in physical activity.

Our free instructor resource for group exercise professionals on how to continue group exercise through ‘the new normal’ and beyond – EMD UK Group Ex Support Pack is available to download here